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National Day of Repentance

The United States of America was created by God's miracles, in His perfect timing,  moving through greatly outnumbered, but passionate  Holy Spirit-inspired individuals, seeking the Liberty of Christ (Luke 4:18 " He has sent Me... to bring liberty to the captives" ) instead of the tyranny of kings.  

Knowing they needed His Hand, the Continental Congress held eight days of "humiliation, fasting and prayer" during the seven year Revolutionary War. After His  miracles brought about victory in the War, issues arose between States under the weak "Articles of Confederation." Delegates gathered again at Philadelphia  in 1787 to attempt to resolve the divisions. At the beginning of the  Convention  George Washington, hero of the Revolutionary War, upon being voted head of the Convention, said: " Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair. The event is in the hand of God."  When divisions arose, prayers to God each morning were performed; divisions began to be healed. At the conclusion of the Convention in 1787, where by God's Providence a way was found to connect the States into a stronger, liberty-based, union, one lady asked Benjamin Franklin what the delegates had created.  Franklin said: " A republic, madam, if you can keep it."  LEARN MORE

December 7

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