Bridal Hope Chest

Providing food for those who hunger through Global Day of Repentance.

Bridal Hope Chest

Bridal Hope Chest Image 5.24.20.png

Food Supplies for Those in Need

A hope chest, also called in Australia, a “glory box” is a piece of furniture, a place to collect items by an unmarried young woman in anticipation of married life. The Risen Christ is returning soon as our Bridegroom.  He sees us already as His Bride, needing to get ready, including through repentance.   Even as He is shaking all that can be shaken, He is  encouraging repentance, continuing to present His Bride to Himself a glorious church, not having sport or wrinkle, holy and without blemish. Those of us called to encourage repentance, personally and nationally, have opened a fund, a “Bridal Hope Chest” into which you are invited to donate. As food supplies become more scarce we will provide funds from the Bridal Hope Chest to those pastors and priests  in any nation who report real food scarcity in their flocks and also evidence in their own lives a zeal for repentance.