I kept hearing in my spirit

On Friday, May 1st, I felt in my spirit it was going to be a powerful day for the kingdom of God. When I awakened early that morning I kept hearing in my spirit..May Day..May Day. A cry for help! As I researched May Day, I found out that the first of May is a Pagan holiday that has roots in Astrology and the Celtic sun god.  

I grabbed my Bible and went out to my deck to prepare to pray. As I looked over the list Pastor Jeff sent out I knew in my spirit that I had to repent of false Gods we have allowed in our lives by the work of our own hands. It was no co-incidence that I opened my bible to Isaiah chapter two,. My eyes went immediately to verse eight about worshiping the works of our own hands. 

A few days before God had shown me a vision of many people praying and as the frequencies of the many voices rose to the throne room, I saw heaven and earth shake. I immediately saw angels of all kinds coming down from heaven. They surrounded many who had fallen on their knees in prayer. Some weeping and laying prostate on the ground. There was a great harvest taking place. The angels kept coming! Heaven and nature shook but the foundation of the earth stood firm. 

On May 1st I saw many of the modern day idols begin to fall. Anything that we have set up before God. Things like greed. money. sports, careers, television, national pride, politics, cell phones, online shopping, families, ministries, and homes. When we prosper sometimes it’s easy to put more time into modern day idols than spending time with the Father. Have we reduced God into someone of convenience? Have we allowed these things to control us? We are not to have any other Gods before Him.   Ex: 20:3. 

God has given us many things to enjoy and it is His pleasure to do so, but when we allow ourselves to be consumed by them they become sins. Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand! 

Spending time with God takes us into Spiritual worship with Him and we are no longer consumed by the things of the world. We must never lose sight of God's purpose for our lives: To advance His kingdom. 

What I thought that morning would be an hour of prayer turned out to be many hours on May 1st. Thank, You, Lord for the cleansing of my heart! 

1 John: 5: 21...Little children, guard yourselves from idols.


Delores Purvis in Virginia


There was personal repentance


We prayed for three items in Uganda