We prayed for three items in Uganda

Dear brother Jeffrey,

Greetings in Jesus name!

We had a good time praying for Uganda today. Three girls joined me in my office for one hour from 2:00 Pm To 3:00 PM Uganda time which is one hour behind Jerusalem time. We have also finished another one hour from 8:00 Pm and 9:00 Pm  and the last hour will be from 5:00am to 6:00 am in the next day.

We each took 15 minutes to repent of our personal sins ( our thoughts, speech , attitudes and action). We prayed for three items in Uganda.

1. We repented about witchcraft practices in Uganda( Consultation of the dead, blowing of demonic pipes, worship of demons etc)

2.  We repented about Sexual immorality in Uganda ( adultery and fornication,  polygamy, pornography , prostitution and abortion)

3. We repented about Corruption ( in high offices, tribalism,sectarianism, embezzlement of funds etc )

After which we reflected on scripture on what is says about all the above. At the end the Holy Spirit assured as the church is a salt through which he preserves the world. Abraham's intercession for Sodom came clear.

We are continuing to pray other needs. This morning I got a phone call from the pastor who is currently taking care of the Revival Center. He was requesting for food assistance  , not only for them but the elderly people in that village. There  is great famine right now.

Then secondly, he was asking me to send money to buy seeds for beans and maize the gardens are now ready ( 5 acres are ready). 

We are passionately praying about  the two. We will also ask you to join us in prayer. The seeds and planting labor is UGX 780,000. The food need for 10 elderly people for 3 weeks is UGX 1,200,000

Thank you very much

Pray always for the Revival Center

Pastor Isaac Peter Oyako   Uganda


I kept hearing in my spirit